You came to the right place.

Please read on to find support for all kinds of challenges. Books. Blogs. Workshops. And more. Our community is filled with talented folks who can help you with whatever career challenge you face.


Job Society
Job Society is DC’s newest staffing and search firm placing temporary, temp-to-hire, and direct-hire candidates in entry to senior level roles.

The HR Source


Donna Davis

Robert Half
Finance & Accounting
Robert Half is a well-known finance and accounting recruiting firm

The Lucas Group


Women In Technology
With more than 1,000 members in the Washington, D.C. and Maryland/Virginia metro region, Women in Technology (WIT) has the sole aim of advancing women in technology.

Job Search over 40

40Plus of Greater Washington
Check out the Monday Morning Speakers’ Series

BoomerWorks (over 50)
BoomerWorks is a nonprofit program revolutionizing the way experienced people think about generating income. As an alternative to traditional W-2 employment, they empower in-transition professionals, ages 50+, to shift to freelance and small business ownership.


The Association for Intelligent Information Management
The AIIM is the global community for information professionals, certifications and training.

The Center for Association Leadership
ASAE is the essential organization for association management, representing both organizations and individual association professionals.

American Marketing Association of DC (AMADC)
AMADC is the essential community for researchers, copywriters, social media mavens, advertisers, brand managers, media buyers, bloggers, videographers and more. In other words, marketers.

IM Diversity
IMDiversity is where careers, opportunities, and diversity connect.

Occupation Resources

O*NET OnLine
O*NET is your tool for career exploration and job analysis!
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!

Occupational Handbook Online
Find educational requirements, earnings, working conditions, and hiring outlook for a full range of job types.

Find any job search or career groups in your local region; just search on job search or careers and input your zip code. Voila.

Business Cards

Vistaprint is a Dutch global, e-commerce company that produces physical and digital marketing products for small and micro businesses.

Freelance Opportunities

Great opportunities to write, design or land odd jobs in-between jobs or permanently.

Creative Jobs

Looking for a creative job? Check these out first:

Career Fairs

National Career Fairs
National Career Fairs has held over 10,000 career fairs nationwide with >1 million job seekers in attendance in the last 19 years.

100 Conversations for Career Success: Learn to Network, Cold Call, and Tweet Your Way to Your Dream Job by Laura M. Labovich
This book helps job seekers manage their day-to-day job search and professional networking, both in-person and online.

Need Help Now?

If you are looking for immediate help creating a gorgeous resume, implementing an effective job search strategy, acing an interview or negotiating a top-notch salary, we’ve got your back.